Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Turkey, interrupted

So, 2nd day on the blog and my turkey plans have been interrupted by a job interview tomorrow. This is a good thing and I may still be able to get to the turkey breakdown tomorrow morning. I'm excited and wary at the same time for an interview with a large national ( but family owned) food chain in their marketing division.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

One Turkey, Many Ways

I generally buy a whole turkey every other week or so, break it down and make quite a few meals out of it. Tomorrow I will get you started on the process of breaking down an entire turkey and preparing it for meals throughout the week. The recipes I use each time tend to vary with what I have on hand and what is in season, but they usually follow the same basic pattern:
-Sunday-style roast with standard fixins: potatoes, veg, gravy, etc. These leftovers will serve as the basis for many other meals throughout the week (i.e.: sandwiches, quesadillas, salads)
-I might only do half a roast and save some cutlets for a quick and elegant meal.
-Some sort of taco/enchilada/burrito or casserole
-A slow cooker meal
-A soup or stew

This week I will definitely be revisiting the Beer-Braised Turkey Tacos that we had last month and I have been hankering to try again! Find a turkey and get set for tomorrow!

Raise Your Hand if You're Jaded and Hungry, Too!




adj \ˈjā-dəd\

Definition of JADED

: fatigued by overwork : exhausted
: made dull, apathetic, or cynical by experience or by surfeit <jaded network viewers> <jaded voters>
jad·ed·ly adverb
jad·ed·ness noun

Examples of JADED

  1. He became jaded from years of work as a police officer.
  2. a public jaded by political scandals
  3. Oh, yes, mate, they're all jaded here now—their last gasps of innocence sucked out of them by Olympic pharaohs who at first played a blatant game of bait-and-switch with Games tickets, furtively putting aside vast quantities of the best seats to sell to fat cats at higher prices. —Gary Smith, Sports Illustrated, 11 Sep. 2000

Origin of JADED

(see 1jade)
First Known Use: 1600
Does anyone else relate?

I live in the forest. I play guitar. I just finished my Bachelors and am struggling to find a job in my field. I have a karaoke addiction. I love to cook. And bake. From scratch. So, instead of posting all my food, home, and music photos incessantly to facebook as I usually do, I thought I would start a blog.

I love good food and I don't have much money. Add to that living in a very rural setting with the closest town devoid of anything elegant, upscale or inventive, I experiment often in the kitchen to fulfill my gourmet desires...sometimes not-so-gourmet, but almost always from scratch, often frugal, and, generally, delicious.

I hope to share some tips and tricks with you to help you have fun in the kitchen, prepare exciting and affordable meals and just find a few moments of the day to not feel so jaded. Accomplishing a beautiful, tasty dish can go a long way to repairing a not-so-beautiful day; or can be a great way to celebrate the perfect one!